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Confetti Falling Animation Example
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how to play
• Fusele is a word guessing game and variant of Wordle, where every row has a unique twist to it.• Green tiles mean the letter is in the correct spot, and yellow tiles mean it's in a different spot.• Hover(PC) or click(mobile) on the icons to the left of the rows to see what the twist is.Fusele has these twists so far:
Your guess can be anything except for a real word!
Your guess can be a word of any length with its vowels removed! (eg. LEVITATES -> LVTTS)
Your guess needs to be a word that is backwards!
1-3 tiles have letters pre-set for you that can't be changed!
There are 1-3 tiles with dashed borders that must contain vowels!
You don't get yellows, the only hints are letters at correct places!
Yellow and green tiles are ambiguous!
The coloring is inverse! Blue tiles mean that another letter from your guess is in that spot!
Orange hints mean that the letter is within 3 letters of your guess in the alphabet!
You're not allowed to use 6 random letters!
1-3 tiles are incognito tiles! You won't know what the hint is!
Your guess must repeat a letter!
One tile in the row is a lie!
*The twists in the top row are in their own subcategories as colored and will not appear together in the same game.
example game
*There is an option to enable using shapes for different types of hints in the settings menu. Enabling it is meant to help you distinguish between the hints better if you are colorblind. This example will show the shapes when the option is enabled.
• In the first row, the twist is that you have to repeat a letter. BLOOM is guessed, and L is yellow, meaning the letter is in the word, but in a different spot.• In the second row, the twist is that tiles show if the letter in your guess is near the corresponding letter in your answer. The L is green, meaning that there is an L in that exact spot. The R is orange, meaning that the 5th letter of the answer is within 3 letters of R alphabetically. The other letters are gray, meaning that the corresponding letters in the answer are farther than 3 letters from them alphabetically.• In the third row, the twist is that yellow clues are replaced with blue clues, which work in reverse - if a tile is blue, some other (gray or blue) letter from your guess is in that space in the answer. The I is blue meaning that the 2nd letter of the answer is N, E or S. The E is blue, meaning that the 4th letter of the answer is I, N or S.• In the fourth row, the twist is that yellow tiles don't get shown - you might get a gray tile with a letter that is actually in the answer but in another spot. Luckily, it is not an obstacle this time because the right answer is guessed from the above info - LEAST.
blind fusele
Blind Fusele is a separate gamemode with its own daily words and twists. The difference is you do not get to see what twists will be on the next rows until you get to them.You can access Blind Fusele by clicking the eye icon in the top right.
The daily Fusele resets at midnight UTC everyday.Other games by Toir: Splitle, Shiftle, ThreadleI actually also make music, check it out!SpotifyYouTubeSoundCloudBandcampYou can contact me by finding me on the Puzzle Plaza discord server or emailing toirmusic@gmail.com!*PC shortcuts: Shift+[letter] enters a letter without moving to the next tile, Shift+Backspace deletes the input on your whole row, Home selects the 1st tile in the row, End selects the last tile.